MOBILE +44 (0) 797 4087357
OFFICE / Factory +44 (0) 1673 863520
OFFICE +44 (0) 1507 313273
FAX +44 (0) 1507 313552


Emails are monitored 9 till 5
We always reply PDQ

Nonex Systems Ltd. Drilling Equipment


Nonex Systems Ltd. Drilling Equipment

Proudly made in Britain since the very beginning

NONEX Systems Ltd have reliably served the UK quarrying industry for over 25 years.

Ordering NONEX Systems Ltd Capsules

NONEX Systems Ltd RockJack® Ordering Information;

As RockJack® PBC is not classed as a civil or relevant explosive you do not need an explosives certificate or acquire and keep certificate to purchase the product, and it is also exempt from track and trace regulations, but you do need to be trained in its use by the manufacturer, shot firing certificate holders past and present will only need familiarisation with the difference of Rockjack to high explosives and stemming techniques. Orders are processed same day and goods delivered to you the next day throughout most of UK regions.

Nonex RockJack® Ordering for current trained operators/customers

NONEX Systems Ltd RockJack® Ordering for new customers

For NEW customers certain requirements are necessary by law;

A = Arrange to be trained and certificated (P2) by NONEX Systems Ltd, complete a student declaration form that you are not a prohibited person.
And also complete a
Student Details Form and return these signed documents to us.

B = For current Shot firing Certificate holders; email, fax or post a copy of your Shot Firing Certificate and complete a Student Details Form. Shot firing certificate holders only require familiarisation with the products. (In certain circumstances this can be done over the phone).

NONEX Systems Ltd for prospective customers/operators who do not hold shot firing certificates;

RockJack® Capsule Information

Well be in touch very soon

Thank you